Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Children's Museum Fun

Today we went to the Children's Museum and had so much fun. We met 3 other moms and their kids there and everyone had a great time together. They have a new exhibit on outer space. It's very hands-on and creative. Sky dressed up as an alien. Behind her is a moon jumper (trampoline) that she really enjoys too but the pictures come out too blurry.

In 12 years this driving scenario could be a reality and a much scarier picture!

The kids had fun playing house and fixing themselves some food. What did they eat? VEGETABLES! I guess that's why they call it "pretend play".

Zachary and Lila enjoy a pony ride. Well, Lila likes it anyway. Zachary was enjoying it until Lila came along and started grabbing his neck.

Ok, so this looks like urinals in a bathroom but it's actully a spot where kids can build with legos. Brad always likes this area and here he is joined by his friend Alyce.

Lila is milking a cow! And, it actually looks like she's made some cheese too. She's just amazing! Big news! Lila is weaned. It's bittersweet but mostly I'm really glad, especially with the heat wave we're having.

Brad and Elizabeth, the musical duo. Future worship band members?

The dress up room is always Sky's favorite room. She just loves having access to high heels (there are no high heels at our house!) and a microphone.

Brad in some pink boots. He choose these himself. He's secure in his boyhood.
The other day we were going to a friend's house. She has all older boys and Brad said, "I'm going to bring my fairy wings!". I suggested he go with some trucks or dinosaurs which, thankfully, he did.

We went outside for a picnic lunch. This was the crew of kids minus Lila and Zachary. Not much lunch was eaten. I wonder why...

Brad, Elizabeth and Lila exploring the planets.

Space, the final frontier...Boldly going where no man has gone before.

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