Friday, August 27, 2010

Great Park Helium Balloon Ride

Yesterday we spent 7 hours at Wild Rivers Water Park. It was awesome! The kids had so much fun. They had great water slides for younger kids like Sky and many great play areas for Brad and Lila. 2 wave pools, a lazy river, and even a few hot tubs were also there. And the best part of all is that we got in free as part of our Splash passes. The fun was increased even further because we met 3 other families from church there and hung out with them all day. As a rule, I don't bring my camera to water parks so, sorry, no pictures.
Today we went to Great Park in Irvine and rode a helium balloon.
It fits 25 people and goes up about 400 feet.

It is not a hot air balloon but a helium balloon and it is tethered to the ground. A winch lets it out to go up and pulls it back in to go down.

They offer daily free rides at this park!

The landing is a little rocky as the wheels roll around a bit until it is balanced. Nothing we couldn't handle though.

There was also a kids' play area with some fun tunnels, slides, etc.

1 comment:

Mom & Bill said...

Wow!! So cool that you guys got to do that!