Friday, November 6, 2009

I Love My Brother

There have been many moments lately when it seemed as if Sky and Brad would NEVER get along. But the other morning while I was getting dressed, I could hear Sky talking to Ken in the kitchen. She said, "Daddy, can I marry Brad when I grow up?" To which Ken responded no, you can't marry your brother. Then she said, "But I love him so much!". Too cute! Maybe there's hope after all.
On another note, thanks to many of you for your prayers for Sky at school. She is doing so well-better than we could have imagined. She wrote her first full sentence today at the breakfast table using words that she has learned. Just for fun. It's very exciting to see reading come together for her!! She's been very cooperative with her homework too.

1 comment:

Mom & Bill said...

How sweet!!Sister/brother love! (Once upon a time I married John and there are pictures to prove it.) Soo glad to hear the school news! GB and UB love to hear good news like that and we are soo proud of you, Sky!