Saturday, March 13, 2010

Recent Crafts

Brad really likes glue-the liquid kind-and lots of it! Now would be a good time to buy stock in glue! A "project" like this will keep him busy for quite a while. He never puts anything in the glue although sometimes Sky will "finish" the project for him by putting in some buttons or beads.

On Thursday night Sky woke up vomitting and having diarrhea in her bed. Apparently this is going around in her class. She had a stomach ache since Sunday so it finally manifested itself on Thursday. Unfortunately we had to cancel our Friday and Saturday plans because of Sky's illness. It was a real bummer since Ken taught an all day seminar on Saturday and I was stuck home with the kids (rather than attending the 2 bday parties we were hoping to go to).
So, I know it's a little early for Easter egg dying but since Sky was home sick from school and we were looking for something fun to do...

Brad was like a mad scientist with the different dyes. He would dunk each egg into each dye and by the end, most of his eggs were a strange brown color.

Please note in the picture below how much straighter Lila's head is. I think the chiropractor is really helping her torticulis!

1 comment:

Mom & Bill said...

Love the glue project! "Whatever keeps 'em busy" was always my motto. The egg-coloring pics are soo cute!!! (Brown eggs remind me of brown jello. LOL) Lila definitely looks straighter, bless her little, baby heart!