Sunday, January 15, 2012

Atlantis Park

 A few days ago we went to Atlantis Park with our friends.  Atlantis Park is an underwater-themed playground/park that is completely enclosed.  It's a great park but a bit far from our house so we don't get there often.
 King Triton is always a big draw.  Lila called him Santa.
 Brad still LOVES the swings (since birth he has loved swings) but he still doesn't know how to pump.  I've tried to teach him, God knows I have, but I still have to push this big boy until he figures it all out. 
 Lila loves the riding toys and she also enjoyed chasing the wild rabbits in the park. 
 The serpentine slide is soooo cool.  The kids made train after train and slid down together, usually landing in a heap like this at the bottom.  Even Sarah, Sky's American Girl doll was among the train. 


Pepere and Memere said...

We can't wait til June to do so many fun things with the kids! Maybe Atlantis Park will be one on the "bucket list" ! Luv you all lots ♥

Mom & Bill said...

Love these pics, Lori! Glad you guys were able to go there again! Nice that American Girl, Sarah, could be part of the fun, too! Love seeing Big Bud on the swing and Lila's sweet, innocent face. That's funny about "Santa Claus."