Friday, May 29, 2020

Sky’s Freshman Year
Sky’s freshman year at Sonora started with the stress of Ken’s cancer treatments.  Ken droppied her off for the first day of school and then drove straight to the hospital for his 3rd round of chemo.  Of course Starbucks was involved.
FCA (fellowship of Christian Athletes) played a big role in Sky’s freshman year.  There were multiple events throughout the year and weekly meetings as well.  The back to school family picnic was really wonderful, as each family prayed over their student.
FCA hosted a beach event which Sky really enjoyed.
For the entire month of October, Ken and I were at Coty of Hope and my mom and Bill stayed with the kids at our house.  Sky was able to get rides to school with our friends from Heights, the Correa’s and the Rodriguez’s and home from school with the McKinley’s.  These families took great care of Sky and supported my mom and Bill immensely during this time.
They went to movies together and Sky enjoyed the dances also.
Sky took honors English and AP Human Geography as well as biology, algebra 1, and dance.  She eventually dropped dance to participate in the swim team but that was cut short due to Covid 19. In addition to distance learning, she also had to take the AP exam online.
Sky was a hydro-flask for Halloween and she attended a party at a friend’s home.  
Sky’s first period class was French 1.  We really enjoyed attending Paris Night and Sky and her partner built a model of Sucre Coeur, a cathedral in Paris.  They also sang French songs while we enjoyed crepes and other French pastries.
Although this year was filled with unexpected twists and turns (father with cancer and Covid 19), Sky really enjoyed her freshman year.  She made lots of new friends and tried new things (dances, French, swim team, etc).  
As she looks forward to next year,  she recently found out that she made the drill team so she will be involved with that.  She will also be on the leadership team for FCA, possibly using her talent for singing to lead worship.  And she’s waiting to hear back from a buddy program for kids with special needs that she hopes to be involved with next year.  
We are thankful for the Christian presence at Sonora  and the excellent school leadership and support this year.  

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