Saturday, September 19, 2009

It's Quiet-Do You Know Where Your 2 Year Old Is?

Sky's class has a behavior note system in which students earn a colored note to take home each day so that parents are aware of their behavior daily. A green note means "I had a great day!" A yellow note means "I had several reminders" and a red note means "I had a rough day!". This program started on Friday and Sky received her first note, a green one! Here she is proudly displaying it.
When things are quiet, chances are Brad is into something. The other day Ken found him in our bathroom having unwrapped all the bars of soap and even eating some. Yuck! Last week he filled our toilet with foam letters. The picture above shows blue glue stick dots. Sky was making a leaf collection book and Brad got a hold of the glue stick. The picture below shows how he drew on the hallway wall with a pencil. He is a very active boy!

It has certainly been an interesting week! Ken and I are completely exhausted from the rigors of the new routine of getting Sky to school, everyone out the door before 8am, etc. On top of that, it was a very full week for me. On Tuesday I had MOPS, a doctor's appointment, and Talbot Wives meeting. On Wednesday I had Bible study and on Thursday I had a friend and her 3 boys over to play and that night was parent night at Sky's school. Brad and Sky both had colds by Friday. Lila is still getting up 2-3 times during the night too and with the new schedule, naps are almost nonexistent. I hope I don't sound too whiney-I'm just trying to describe our lives right now.

Today Sky participated in a princess photo shoot. A friend of ours has written a book about princesses and she wanted some of the girls from church to come to a park for a photo shoot dressed up as princesses. She will presumably use the pics in her book. Anyway, Sky had fun dressing up and playing with friends at the park. I also had Lila with me while Brad and Ken stayed home (Brad got into some trouble-see pictures). Then Ken took Sky and Brad to Splash while I ran errands with Lila. We were also supposed to go to a Talbot Wives Mexican Fiesta tonight but we totally forgot until it was over. Craziness!!!


Mom & Bill said...

Lots going on, indeed, Lori! We certainly can sense your exhaustion and frustrations. We are praying for you and know God will give you wisdom and help you guys through this time of adjustments, setting priorities and boundaries, etc.
We are so proud of Sky for her good report--We were hoping she would bring home "GREEN" and she did!! GB and UB love to hear good reports! We're smiling about that and are hoping for lots more green!
We are hoping for good Buddy reports, too. Maybe he will get some "green" reports at home. I am reminded of when you were 2 yrs. old, Lori. It was quiet, (often not a good sound), and I found you applying Desitin Ointment to your teddy bear, (in the appropriate area). When I opened your door you looked at me and said, "Teddy has a diaper rash." LOL
Am thinking a home GPS system might be a good idea to keep track of Brad boy. LOL
And what's with Lila waking up so much?? Prayers for you and Ken for strength, endurance, patience, peace and rest. That's a big order but we have a Big God! Remember it's one day at a time. And sometimes it's one hour at a time, right? It's "easy" to just LET kids grow up but it is a lot of work to RAISE children. And He equips you for the task! Sending love & hugs to all!!

Heather said...

Wow my friend - you do keep yourself sound so settled - meaning in your communities and I am glad for you. Sounds like all your hard work in getting acquainted with people when you first moved there are paying off now. Now you have the challenge of balancing all of those blessings. Hard to do in this baby stage - praying for rest for you friend and wisdom to know when you need it. : ) Sleep precious Lila - loved her picture by the way and her middle name. Reminded me of high school seeing your maiden name. : ) Had to laugh at your mom's "diaper rash" story - somehow that is not hard for me to picture. Between you and Ken you knew you had to get one rascal. : )
Love you guys!