Friday, September 11, 2009

Lila's 2 Month Doctor Appointment

Today Lila had her 2 month doctor's appointment. She weighs in at 10 lbs. 3 oz. now and is 23 in. long. At the last appointment a few days after her birth she was 6lbs. 5 oz. and 20 in. long. Her clogged tear duct has cleared up and her stuffy nose has not affected her lungs at all. We still need to work on correcting the flat side of her head. She also received 3 shots and 1 oral vaccine today.
Brad has been quite a discipline challenge lately. He's 2 and it's terrible. He has done things to hurt Lila (not sure if it's intentional or just exploratory but it's scary either way) and he has been struggling with hitting others and with sharing. Typical 2 year old, I know. I'm hoping to be able to spend more quality time with him while Sky is at school.
Sky is enjoying kindergarten. When I asked her yesterday what her favorite thing about her first day of school was, she said that she liked meeting new friends and she named a girl, Aubrey, whom she had met. Too cute! Yesterday it was early dismissal so today is her first full day.
Ken's classes are going well but he is extremely busy with other responsibilities as well. We're hoping that he'll get some time to work on his Judges commentary soon. This afternoon he and a friend are going to finish the fence/wall project.
As for me, I'm just happy to get some sleep when I can and try to keep up with what everyone else is doing right now. The walk to and from Sky's school twice a day has given me a bit more energy (along with the occasional Starbuck's!). I joined a women's Bible study at church that meets every Wednesday. We'll be studying the book of Isaiah until April and there are 5 days of homework each week. I hope I can keep up!!!


Pepere and Memere said...

Lori - So glad Lila had a good check-up and she really is filling out nicely. Such sweetness... And what a wonderful day Sky must have had on her first day of school - so very exciting! We're very proud of her! Tell our boy that Memere needs someone to read stories to and misses our time together! We will keep you all in our prayers.

Mom & Bill said...

Thanking God for all of the good news from the Way home! Continued prayers for those "works in progress" namely, the Judges commentary, the new fence, and Buddy's "good boy" behavior. :) Cute about Sky liking the "making friends" part of school. Nice you can attend a Bible study, Lori. Bill & I just finished reading the Book of Isaiah. You will be going much deeper! :)

Simple Sanity said...

Hi Ways!! I just want to give you a bit of peace of mind. Oaken was an AWFUL kid. I was confident that people would read about him in the paper someday (not for good things). I could never leave him alone for a second with his littler sister (they are 2 years and 2 months apart). I had to pull him off other kids at the park, he left bite marks on a kid, I could go on, but I would rather repress those memories. It was a very very hard road. All that being said, with diligent and patient discipline, it was mostly a phase. He is still not a nurturing kid by any means. He is all boy and needs prodding not to be selfish, but he is a good kid. In fact, lots of parents and teachers who meet him at least pretend to be surprised that we struggled with his behavior. He is even good with Thea. I am sure not all boys are like this, but mine sure was.

On the practical side, starting as early as we could we put him in EVERY sport we could find. This channeled his energy (and aggression) a little better. I also made him run. When he got feisty, I would make him run up and down the block a couple of times (we lived on a dead end). I still make him do it when he is out of sorts. He comes back tired and in a better place. Good luck Lori. I know that it all seems really over-whelming without sleep. Hopefully things will get better soon. You are in a season of time that is totally of the hardest. I need anti-depressants just reminiscing about it. I love the stage we are in right now (and last year). 3rd grade and 1st grade is great. I know it sounds shocking, but we can watch an entire TV show. We can even eat at restaurants!

Miss you guys. I wish our families could grow-up together.