Friday, October 16, 2009

Free Pumpkins!

A realtor in our neighborhood gave out these free pumpkins to anyone who wanted them so, of course, we signed up. The kids each claimed one. Of course the stuffed animals had to be in the pictures too.
I have a cute Brad story to tell:
Brad has been very confused about the Christmas story, thinking that the stable is Jesus and the angel is Jesus' mom, etc. So, the other day I took out the Little People nativity set and was introducing each character to Brad. I showed him the 3 wisemen, explaining that they the shiny gold gifts they were holding were for Baby Jesus. To which he replied, "Can I eat them?" Apparently they looked like Hershey kisses or something like that to him... So Brad!


Mom & Bill said...

That Buddy sure does love to eat!! Cute pics of the 3 kids with the pumpkins and favorite things! Tell them that GB and UB have pumpkins on their front steps, too. (I'll send a pic.)

Cup of Joe with three sugars said...

Wow, Lori, I see you in Sky so much in that picture! Shes you with lighter hair! (which you may have had when you were that little) Got me thinking back...wasnt yours a little darker than hers is? Beautiful babies! So, the big question...are you planning on traveling this way for the holidays this year? ;O) Cant resist asking or hoping.