Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Last Friday I dropped Brad off at his friend Elizabeth's birthday party. Well, what you can't tell from this picture is that Brad cried for his mommy much of the time and so much so that I had to come and get him from the party early. What a turkey!
Last night at dinner he scooped up a handful of peas and threw them in the air like confetti. They landed all across the table and Brad was quickly removed by his father for some discipline. I wish I could see inside his 3 year old mind to know HOW he thought that would be all right for him to do!!??
On a happier Brad note, yesterday I took Sky and Brad to SPLASH, our town's water park, and Brad did the best he has ever done. He wore a life jacket but swam all around the pool and the lazy river without me holding him at all. He was really getting the hang of kicking his feet and he was very proud of himself.
He has been a little lost this week as Sky has started theater camp and is gone from 9-2 everyday. Sky is enjoying the camp-singing, dancing, drama, yup that's our Sky.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Trevor just came up behind me while I was reading this post, saw the picture and said, "Look Mom! He's growing up!" I hadn't read him the part of Brad crying thru the party. ;) hee hee