Monday, September 6, 2010

Birthday Blog Post

Have I ever mentioned that I have the best husband in the world? Seriously, he planned a whole beach birthday party surprise for me today. He ordered a cake and had catered Mexican food and arranged for some of my friends to meet us there.
Sky was finding carnations washed up on the shore and was arranging them in bouquets for me for my birthday. They were probably from some ash scattering ceremony out at sea but I'm trying not to think about that!

Lila had fun crawling around and looking through the sand toys bag.

Brad and Alyce played in the sand together almost the entire time.

Lila enjoyed lounging in the miniature beach chair.

Here's Brad eating his second piece of cake.

Lila hung out with daddy under the canopy for much of the time.

Sky had fun with a boogy board. She never really got the hang of it but she had fun anyway.

The kids dug themselves a beach bathtub and then soaked in it.

Sky and her friend Savannah.

A picture of me with the friends who came to the party (Amy and Christine were there too but aren't in the picture). It was such a fun day! I guess you only turn 28 once, right?
Another great part of my day was an awesome card from my long time friend Jessica (it had a picture of us when we were 14 years old!). Thanks Jess! And my friend Christine wrote a really sweet note to me. Plus I had the chance to chat with 4 friends from Cincinnati who I haven't spoken to in a long time.
Ken's gift to me was a bound copy of this blog (and a gift card to a local day spa!). That was such an awesome surprise.
And I had the chance to talk to some family members who I haven't talked to in a long time.
All in all, it was a really fun day!


Cup of Joe with three sugars said...

Awww, thanks for the shout out. By the way, you have so many friends because you are such a great friend!!! Love you!

And can I say what a sweet hubby Ken is?! Love the bound copy of your blog. Im going to do that also. Such a great way to keep all those family memories. Bday party and spa card...go Ken! So glad you and Ken have each other. To God be the Glory!!!

Cup of Joe with three sugars said...

And SOOOOO funny about the carnations. What a sweetie Sky is! :o)