Thursday, May 5, 2011

Strawberry Picking

Strawberries are a big deal around here. On Tuesday I went to a whole party that was themed after strawberries. All of the food had strawberries in some form and there were even strawberry serving platters and napkins. And the strawberries here are so amazing and yummy. They grow pretty easily here-we even have some strawberry plants in our yard.

The MOMS Club had gone strawberry picking a few years ago at a different place. I remember it vividly because I had worn a new white shirt (what was I thinking?) and Brad (who was less than a year old) got strawberry juice all over me. So today the MOMS Club tried a new place and it was great. The strawberries were off the ground and hanging in these special self-watering pots.

Both of the kids love strawberries so we ended up eating our fair share as we picked and getting covered in red, sticky juice.

Then we played in the self-watering system and got wet.

Then we tried to pick up mulch and got really icky. Then we went home to share our strawberries with Sky and Ken. The end.

1 comment:

The Owen Family said...

Looks like some messy, yummy fun! Oh how we miss fresh strawberries!