Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Guavas, Guavas, Everywhere!

Our front yard has a pink guava tree. Guavas have a very strong smell and taste! Sky and Brad will eat them but Ken and I are not guava fans. Brad eats them right off the tree, skin and all. We have skinned and deseeded them to make smoothies but our tree produces more guavas than we could ever eat or deal with! I have brought bags and baskets of these guavas to every group that I am a part of (which is a lot!). Now we are to the point of just throwing them away.
I included some pictures so that those of you who have never seen/tasted a guava could experience them long distance. I pick them up off the sidewalk, our yard, and the neighbor's yard every other day and fill that blue tub with them! Crazy!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Brad hungry! Brad want guava! :)