Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Quite A Day!

I am so tired as I sit here and write this entry! This morning Sky had vacation Bible school at our church. Then we met some friends for lunch at the BIOLA cafeteria. After that we went to the doctor's for both Sky and Brad (checkups for 2 and 5 years old). Sky screamed and screeched and tried to run away when it came time for the shots. She had to have 1 shot, a blood draw, and a tb test. Honestly, the entire pediatrics dept. heard her. We needed another nurse to help hold her down. It was quite a display. Brad also needed a shot but he didn't cry at all and when I asked him if it hurt, he shook his head no. Sky did enough drama for the both of them. I'm so glad it's over!
Then we went to meet our wonderful friend from Cincinnati, Gary Sallquist. He's in town on business and was able to carve out some time from his busy schedule to see us. He was the headmaster at the school that I taught at in Cincinnati for 7 years, Miami Valley Christian Academy. It was so great to see him! We miss him and his wife Joyce so much! They were so instrumental in getting Ken his job and helping us with Sky after she was born.

1 comment:

Mom & Bill said...

When I looked at the pics I thought, "That looks like Gary Salquist." Well, sure enough! (Nice to see a pic of ALL of you guys!!Lori, you are carrying like you're having a girl,--my humble opinion.)I am so happy you were able to see Gary!!!!So glad, too, that Ken got to show him the college. Was he able to see your new home? Hopefully both he and Joyce can make it out together sometime soon! Such special friends!! I remember drama with your bro. Gary at the MD. The secretary was called in, too. I wonder if these women receive additional pay to help hold kids down. At the very least, membership at the gym.