Thursday, July 9, 2009

Gettin' it done!!!

Ken's brother Brian and sister-in-law Tammy were here visiting us this week. It was so nice to spend time with them! We always enjoy their company.

They helped us soooooooo much on our new house: installed 3 ceiling fans, removed one old air conditioner and installed 2 others, made a cutting board, installed really cool kitchen lights, put up 2 new motion detector lights outside, put in a new mailbox, mounted our new microwave and 2 new sets of cabinets, fixed faulty plugs, put up some new trim, and worked on some duct work for the dryer. I'm sure there was more that I'm forgetting too.

Brian is used to using top of the line power tools so he had fun using Ken's tools. We joked that it was like pioneer days for him as Ken doesn't have much for power tools. Fun times!


Mom & Bill said...

Wow, guys, so many projects done and everything looks great! That's terrific that Bri & Tam spent some time out there w/you guys! Well, Lyla will arrive soon! Will be praying w/group tonight. Love, Mom & Bill

TJ said...

I didn't realize you had a blog! So fun. Can't wait to see the house in well as your new little one. Let's get her out, quick!