Saturday, July 25, 2009

Lila's first bath

Life with three kids is certainly busy, busy, busy!!! I think I might soon become a coffee drinker just to be able to cope with life.
A few days ago Lila's belly button cord fell off so we were able to give her the first bath of her life. She seemed to like it (maybe tolerate it is a better description).
I continue to be amazed by what a sweet baby she is. She rarely cries or fusses and she smiles so much, sometimes even laughing out loud. I don't care if it's gas, I love everytime she does it. The kids have been so good to her too. Such sweetness!


Mom & Bill said...

Great to see the monumental first bath! So glad to hear she's a happy baby and the kids love her and are so good with her! "Busy" probably isn't the word, right??Being a mom (or dad)is a huge job but you're doing God's will everyday and His joy is your strength!!Praying often!! Love you all!

Cup of Joe with three sugars said...

The coffee club is a yummy club to belong to! lol :o) How about some video of Lila (and Brad and Sky, too!)...its so fun to hear all those coo's and baby noises. BYW, showed my mom pics of Lila, and she marveled at how pretty she was. Our hearts are so happy for you guys! Love ya.

Gram said...

What fun to see Lila having her first bath. How well I remember those days when our kids were little. Well - none of them were ever as little as Lila. Yes! I am sure you are busy. When I had Charlie, John was not yet 3 and Mom was almost 4. And then I had Julie - almost 9. Wow! Wonder how I did it!!! Stick with it! they will be grown before you know it! Love and prayers to all!

Gram said...

What fun to see Lila having her first bath! How well I remember those days, even though they were a long time ago. I know you are a busy girl these days. I was pretty busy years ago and don't know how I did it. Enjoy every minute because they will be grown before you know it. Love and prayers to all!

Heather said...

She is precious Lori - so glad you all are enjoying her and for such a pleasant personality. 3 is busy my friend - now is a good a time as any to get on the coffee still helps me. : ) Enjoy cuddling that little sweet bundle!