Sunday, June 29, 2008

Pooping in the pool

Let me begin by saying that Sky IS potty trained and hasn't had an accident in a very long time. With that said, this week has been a challenging one to say the least. She pooped in a pool on Mon. and Wed. but both times were caught early and basically contained in her bathing suit (although not very fun to clean in the bathroom with Brad loose/helping in the bathroom!). Both times Sky was disciplined and given a talking to. We went to a pool on Thurs. without incident so I was hoping that we were over it and ready to move on. I LOVE swimming and am a bit of a pool junkie, by the way.
On Saturday, we went swimming at the BIOLA pool while Ken was teaching his summer school class. Sky started shouting that she had to go poopy so we quickly exited the pool but not before I saw a poop log floating by. UGH! By the time we went to the bathroom and got back to the pool, it had been evacuated and shut down for chemical treatments because of the poop. Needless to say we got many dirty looks and it was not my proudest parenting moment! I think I'm going to go with swimmy diapers until we get this figured out. We certainly won't be getting as many invitations to pool parties if we keep this up!

1 comment:

daynahamm said...

Join the club. Will shut down a pool last summer. It was sooooo emabarrasing. He was wearing a swimmie, but those things do not work. As we were swimming I noticed some some stuff floating and I said what is that? I quickly realized what it was and who it was coming from. I was there with Mom's club and it was a neighborhood pool. They did not have staff on site so we had to call for clean up. At least it was only the baby pool.

Hey- at least Sky is potty trained. We have made no progress. I made a dr appt in a few weeks.

Miss you!