Saturday, December 6, 2008

Snow Day!

It snows once a year in southern California, kind of... A local church imports 20 tons of snow (from who knows where) and provides lots of fun for the day. Sky loved the mild sled run but Brad wasn't so sure about the white stuff. He's such a California boy! Sky had fun doing the crafts, getting Christmas tattoes, having her face painted, and playing the games. Brad had fun on the playground, going down the same slide 50 times. There was also a chili eating contest, jump houses, snow ball fights, and Christmas pictures taken. We thoroughly wore ourselves out and look forward to attending Snow Day next year.

1 comment:

Cup of Joe with three sugars said...

So funny that Sky went sledding before Julia, yet you live in CA and we live in CT! lol Go, Sky!!! We've been getting flurries here, but thats about it....not that Im complaining! It was frigid here yesterday! Bank thermometer said 28 degrees and I believe it. Julia played in the flurries one day. Shes excited about that. We had her bundled up like the abominidable (whatever) snowman for flurries! haha Anyway, thanks for blogging even though you dont feel good. We love to see your pics, etc. I hope you feel better! I know how yucky it is! Love you!