Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Lila's First Haircut

Here's Lila before the haircut. She got to sit in a fire engine seat and watch an Elmo video during the haircut.

Lila did not enjoy the hair falling around her face.

Today I took Lila for her first haircut. Her hair was getting long a bit shaggy, hanging down in her face from under her helmet. It was time. And, Mimi, Ken's mom, got to come along and witness this milestone! We went to a really fun place for kids complete with video games, movies, and fun seats to sit in. Much of this was lost on Lila and she did cry a bit during the haircut. At the end, the hairdresser put a blue flower in her hair to match her outfit. She looks so cute. Now if only we could get rid of the stinkin' helmet so that we could see her cute new hairdo!


Pepere and Memere said...

Oh, Lila - Such a beautiful face, and now we can see more of it! So glad you were able to get through the haircut! Wishing Sky and Brad a very happy Birthday "PARTY" time today.....Love you all xoxoxo

Mom & Bill said...

We all know how traumatic haircuts can be! She looks adorable!! Glad Ken's mom was able to be there for the milestone! We're thinking of all of you today and hope the party will be lots of fun! Happy birthday to Sky & Brad!! (They're growing up way too fast!) Will look forward to seeing the party pics!