Thursday, June 3, 2010

Toothpaste Trouble

When Brad is quiet, there is trouble brewing. He was supposed to be pooping in the bathroom but when he came out of the bathroom smelling all minty, I knew something had gone down in there. Notice where the toothpaste cap is. Let's just say that I did not put it there.
And, no, Brad doesn't know that I took this picture. We treated this incident as a serious matter and are making him brush his teeth with this toothpaste for the next few weeks. I'm kidding! But there was punishment involved.
There was also a recent incident where Brad took a black marker (thankfully Crayola) to our new chair. Not any of our junky old furniture, no, our NEW chair, frequently referred to as my throne (really it's my nursing chair). That was an unhappy day for everyone!

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