Thursday, August 7, 2008

"Scary" Movies

A local movie theater has free kids movies every Tuesday and Wednesday. Sounds nice-free and air conditioned! Yesterday we decided to go and see a Carebears movie. So, we bought some popcorn and went in. We had barely sat down when Sky started crying that because the movie was "too scary". So we went to the next theater which was showing Over the Hedge. We lasted a minute in there when an animated bear came on to the screen and that was the end. More crying, more leaving. So, we abandoned all movie-going efforts and headed for the car with our bag of popcorn.
We then decided to go to the La Habra Children's Museum which is very close by. We had a blast there as they had some new exhibits and this was the first time we've been there since Brad got very mobile. He was digging into everything. I wish I had my camera with me...
Last night when Ken got home from work, we all went to the local hair cut place so that he and Brad could get haircuts. Brad SCREAMS bloody murder when he gets his hair cut and I thought it would be fun for Ken to see that and share in the joy. So, Ken held Brad while he got his little buz cut and Brad didn't disappoint with his theatrics. After the ordeal, we all needed some $1 minis frozen yogurt at Golden Spoon.

1 comment:

Oakwood Farm said...

CareBears is too scary for me (Dave) too!