Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Brad Fixes Himself a Snack

While I was nursing Lila yesterday, Brad (whom I could not see) poured himself a few raisins for a light snack. Oh my!

Serious sweetness! Lila will be 10 months old tomorrow! She is doing so much better with eating baby food and even table food now. I'm so thankful especially since that means that I get to be away from her for a while every now and then.

Crazy baby! Lila finally has her first tooth on the bottom! You can't really see it but it's definitely cut through.

Innocent baby. I love her sweetness!


Tim and Jamie said...

Lila is so cute! I can't wait to see her in person. You all really did a nice job with her helmet; it's so cute with all those stickers on it. :)

Mom & Bill said...

Such sweetness, indeed!! Wow, lots of great things happening!
Tooth, table food, and ten months old!! She's "getting bigger."
As for Brad, I cannot resist the comment--interesting poop. LOL