Monday, May 3, 2010

Lunch With The Principal

Thanks to those of you, family members, who supported Sky for her jog-a-thon. She was able to raise $75 for her school and that qualified her to have a special treat, lunch with the principal. Sky was so excited about that as she left for school this morning. She ended up having a great time eating pizza and having ding dongs for dessert (she had never had those before and they made quite an impression!).
I can't believe how much she has grown this year. She has really enjoyed her kindergarten class and her teacher! She still comes home and plays school with her stuffed animals almost everyday. It is such a blessing for us to have such a great school so close by! Hopefully next year will be just as fun and learning-filled as this year has been!


Mom & Bill said...

How fun!! And Sky is old enough now to remember having lunch with her principal. What a blessing that she has had such a good year!!

Mom & Bill said...

P.S. With Gramp as my principal, tell Sky that I had supper with my principal every night. :-)