Monday, May 10, 2010

Talbot News

Exciting news: Talbot finally has all the money that they need to break ground for a new facility. Right now the faculty is spread out all over campus and some of the Talbot professors have cubicles instead of offices (thankfully Ken is not one of them). This new project will create offices for the professors and also new classrooms.
Perhaps the most exciting part in all of this is that the big machinery moves in on June 1st and Brad and I have big plans to watch the action.
On another note, Ken is preaching in Talbot chapel tomorrow. He was asked to do this by the administration and I'm so excited that I'm going to be able to go and hear it, thanks to my friend Samantha for babysitting Brad and Lila! It will be at 9:30am in Feinberg if you life locally and want to come too. He will be preaching on Judges 17. Should be interesting...

1 comment:

Mom & Bill said...

A time to rejoice!! That is truly exciting news and a thank you, Jesus!! It goes to show that God is not limited by a bad economy. His resources are limitless and He is above all. His timing is perfect!
Brad will surely love watching the heavy equipment. A blessing for him, as well! (And you, too, as Brad sits quietly staring in awe.) That's going to lots of fun for him.
Please tell Ken we're holding him up in prayer as he ministers in chapel. How nice you will be able to be there, Lori! (Blessings be upon the babysitter!